

102. Jung, M.S.; Yang, S.; Chen, C.; Chen, W.; Feng, G.; Sui, Y.; Musa, E.N.; Chiu, N.C.; Maclennan H.; Stylianou, K. C.; Li, J.; Fang, C.; Zheng, X.; Ji, X.
Enhanced Reversibility of Iron Metal Anode with a Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Concentrated Chloride Electrolyte
2025, Submitted

101. Sánchez-Fuente, M.; Musa, E.; Yadav, A.; Smith, K.; Young, C.; Moya, A.; Solans-Monfort, X.; Stylianou, K. C.*; Mas-Ballesté, R.*
Quinoline-based Organic Frameworks with Divergent Photocatalytic Properties for Hydrogen Production and Furfuryl Alcohol Oxidation
2025, Submitted

100. Smith, K.; Yadav, A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Uncapping Energy Transfer Pathways in Heterogeneous Metal-organic Framework Structures
2025, Under revision

99. Yang, D.; Andreas, A.; Yadav, A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Feng, Z.
Enhancing the Acidic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Efficiency of Sol–Gel Synthesized SrCo0. 5Ir0. 5O3 Catalysts Through Optimized Ball Milling and Acid Leaching link
APL Energy 2025, 3, 016101

98. Yadav, A.; Gładysiak, A.*; Wolpert, E. H.; Ganose, A. M.; Samuel-Garloff, B.; Koley, D.; Jelfs, K. E.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Solvatomorphic Diversity Dictates the Stability and Solubility of Metal–organic Polyhedra link
Chem. Sci. 2025, Accepted


97. Musa, E. N.; Yadav, A.; Srichareonkul, M.; Thampetraruk, D.; Frechette, E.; Thiele, H. C.; Stylianou, K. C.*
What Up with MOFs in Photocatalysis(?): Exploring the Influence of Experimental Conditions on the Reproducibility of Hydrogen Evolution Rates link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, Accepted

96. Yadav, A. K.; Gładysiak, A.; Young, H.; Gan, L.; Simmons, C.; Reimer, J.; Huang, H.; Giner, J.; Stylianou, K. C.* link
Sequential Pore Functionalization in MOFs for Enhanced Carbon Dioxide Capture
JACS Au 2024, Accepted

95. Gładysiak, A.*; Song, A.-Y,; Vismara, R.; Waite, M.; Alghoraibi, N. M.; Alahmed, A. H.; Younes, M.; Huang, H.; Reimer, J. A.; Stylianou, K. C.* link
Enhanced Carbon Dioxide Capture from Diluted Streams with Functionalized Metal–organic Frameworks
JACS Au 2024, 4, 11, 4527–4536

94. Hurley, T.; Remcho, V. T.*; Stylianou, K. C.*
Recovery of Berry Natural Products using Pyrene-MOF Solid Phase Extraction link
Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e202402221

93. Chiu, N.-C.; Gładysiak, A.; Y., A.; Abreu Jaureguí, C.; Manjón-Sanz, A.; Li, C.; Huang, H.; Silvestre-Albero, J.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Gas Adsorption Snapshots in Metal-organic Frameworks Unveil the Impact of Pore Geometry on Hydrogen Storage link
ACS Mater. Lett. 2024, 6, 4098-4105

92. Musa, E. N.; Yadav, A.; Jung, M. S.; Stickle, W. F.; Eschbach, P.; Ji, X.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Boosting Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production by MOF-derived Metal Oxide Heterojunctions with a 10.0% Apparent Quantum Yield link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024,e202405681

91. Hurley, T.; Henle, A.; Gładysiak, A.; Remcho, V. T.*; Stylianou, K. C.*
Selective Xenon Recovery using Aluminum-based Metal-organic Frameworks with Conserved Pore Topology link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 27, 35333–35341

90. Lancaster, L. S.; Krueger, T. D.; Chen, C.; Musa, E. N.; Lessard, J. M.; Chiu, N. C.; Nord, M. T.; Stylianou, K. C.; Fang, C.
Ultrafast Planarization of Photoexcited Ligands in Metal–organic Frameworks Gates Charge Transfer to Promote Photocatalysis link
Chem. Phys. Rev. 2024, 5, 021401

89. Bach, K.; Loughran, R. P.; Johnson, A.; Quiroz, E.; Lessard, J. M.; Smith, K. T.; Chiu, N.-C.;  Nord, M. T.; Burand, M. W.; Haak, M.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Metal-organic Frameworks in General Chemistry Laboratory: Towards the Development of Students Scientific Identities link
J. Chem. Educ. 2024, 101, 3, 1016–1023

88. Chiu, N. C.; Lessard, J. M.; Musa, E. N.; Lancaster, L. S.; Wheeler, C.; Krueger, T.; Chen, C.; Gallagher, T. C.; Nord, M. T.; Huang, H.*; Cheong, P. H-.Y.*; Fang, C.*; Stylianou, K. C.*
Elucidation of the Role of Metals in the Adsorption and Photodegradation of Herbicides by MOFs link
Nat. Commun. 2024,15, 1459


87. Chiu, N. C.; Compton, D.; Gładysiak. A.; Simrod, S.; Khivatsev, K.; Woo, T.; Stadie, N.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Hydrogen Adsorption using Ultrmicroporous Metal-organic Frameworks Possessing Silent Open Metal Sites link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15 (45), 52788-52794

86. Hoang, D.; Li, Y.; Jung, M. S.; Sandstrom, S. K.; Scida, A. S.; Jiang, H.; Gallagher, T. C.; Pollard, B. A.; Jensen, R.; Chiu, N.-C.; Stylianou, K. C.; Stickle, W. F.; Greaney, P. A.; Ji X.
Vanillin: An effective Additive to Improve the Longevity of Zn Metal Anode in a 30 m ZnCl2 Electrolyte link
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2301712

85. Smith, K. T.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Multivariate Metal-organic Frameworks Generated through Post-synthetic Modification: Impact and Future Directions link
Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 16578-16585

84. Tang, L.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, W.; Sui, Y.; Scida, A.; Tachibana, S. R.; Garage, M.; Sandstrom, S.; Chiu, N. C.; Stylianou, K. C.; Greenbaum, S. G.; Greaney, P. A.; Fang, C.; Ji, X.
Strengthening Aqueous Electrolytes without Strengthening Water link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202307212

83. Kiaei, K.; Gładysiak. A.; Brunson, K.; Hunter, K.; Thomas, A., Radke, D.; Zuehlsdorff, T.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Instantaneous Degradation of Nerve Agent Simulants using Zirconium-based Metal-organic Polyhedra link
J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11, 14365-14271

82. Loughran, R. P.; Hurley, T.; Gładysiak. A.; Chidambaram, A.; Khivatsev, K.; Walter, E. D.; Graham, T. R.; Janos, S.; Fast, D. B.; Miller, Q. R. S.; Park, A.-H. A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
CO2 Capture from Wet Flue Gas using a Water-stable and Cost-effective Metal-organic Framework link
Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2023, 4, 101470

81. Gan, L.; Nord, M.; Lessard, J. M.; Tufts, N.; Chidambaram, A.; Light, M.; Solano, E.; Fraile, J.; Suárez García, F.; Viñas, C.; Teixidor, F.; Stylianou, K. C.*; Planas, J. G.*
Biomimetic Photodegradation of Glyphosate with Carborane-metal-organic Frameworks link
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145 (25), 13730-13741

80. Amiri, M.; Lulich, A.; Chiu, N. C.; Wolff, S. K.; Fast, D. B.; Stickle, W. F.; Stylianou, K. C.; Nyman, M.
Bismuth-polyoxocation Coordination Networks: Controlling Nuclearity and Dimension-dependent Photocatalysis link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15 (14), 18087-18100

79. Smith, K. C.; Hunter, K.; Chiu, N. C.; Zhuang, H.; Jumrusprasert, P.; Stickle, W. F.; Reimer, J. R.; Zuehlsdorff, T.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Hypsochromically-shifted Emission of Metal-organic Frameworks Generated through Post-synthetic Ligand Reduction link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202302123

78. Musa, E. N.; Kaur, S.; Gallagher, T. C.; Anthony, T.-M.; Stickle, W. F.; Árnadóttir, L.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Two Birds, One Stone: Coupling of Hydrogen Production with Herbicide Degradation over Metal-organic Framework-derived Titanium Dioxide link
ACS Catal., 2023, 13 (6), 3710-3722

77. Jiang, H.; Tang, L.; Fu, Y., Wang, S.; Sandstrom, S. K.; Scida, A. M.; Li, G.; Hoang, D.; Hong, J. J.; Chiu, N. C.; Stylianou, K. C.; Stickle, W. F.; Wang, D.; Li, J.; Greaney, P. A.; Fang, C.; Ji, X.
Chloride Electrolyte Enabled Practical Zinc Metal Battery with a Near-Unity Coulombic Efficiency link
Nat. Sustain., 2023, 6, 806-815

76. Tufts, N. Q.; Chiu, N. C.; Musa, E. N.; Fast, D. B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Photoactive Organo-sulfur Polymers for Hydrogen Generation link
Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202203177

75. Carné-Sánchez, A.;* Martínez-Esaín, J.; Rookard, T.; Flood, C. J.; Faraudo, J.; Stylianou, K. C.*; Maspoch, D.*
Ammonia Capture in Rhodium(II)-Based Metal−Organic Polyhedra via Synergistic Coordinative and H‐Bonding Interactions link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15 (5), 6747-6754

74. Ebrahim, F. M., Fumanal, M.; Gładysiak, A.; Kadioglu, O.; Jablonka, K. M.; Ongari, D.; Mace, A.; Shyshkanov, S.; Saris, S.; Ireland, C. P.; Dyson, P. J.; Stylianou, K. C.; Smit, B.
Tuneable Luminescence from Biomolecule-inspired Single Species Emitters of White Light link
ChemRxiv, 2023, Submitted


73. Musa, E. N.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Metal-organic Framework-derived Semiconductors for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production link
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng. 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2ME00221C

72. Ho, J.; Nord, M. T.; Stafford, J.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Ruthenium-based Metal-organic Framework Catalyst for CO2 Fixation onto Epoxides link
Cat. Sci. Techn. 2022, 12, 6998–7002

71. Ramsperger, C. A.; Tufts, N. Q.; Yadav, A. K.; Lessard, J.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Sustainable and Chemoselective Synthesis of α-aminonitriles using Lewis and Brønsted Acid Functionalized Nanoconfined Spaces link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (44), 49957–49964

70. Chiu, N.-C.; Loughran, Gładysiak. A.; Vismara, R.; Park, A.-H. A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Wet flue gas CO2 capture and utilization via a one-dimensional metal-organic framework link
Nanoscale 2022, 14, 14962-14969

69. Chiu, N.-C.; Nord, M. T.; Tang, L.; Lancaster, L. S.; Hirschi, J. H.; Wolff, S. K.; Hutchinson, E. M.; Goulas, K. A.; Stickle, W. F.; Zuehlsdorff, T.*; Fang, C.*; Stylianou, K. C.*
Designing dual-functional metal-organic frameworks for photocatalysis link
Chemistry of Materials 2022, 34 (19), 8798–8807

68. Kiaei, K.; Nord. M. T.; Chiu, N.-C.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Degradation of G-type nerve agent simulant with phase inverted spherical polymeric-MOF catalysts link
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14 (17), 19747-19755

67. Shyshkanov, S.; Vasilyev, D.; Abhyankar, K. A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Dyson, P. J.
Tandem Pauson-Khand Reaction Using Carbon Dioxide as the C1 Source link
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2022

66. Nord, M.; Wolff, S. K.; Rookard, T.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Harnessing Sunlight to Purify Water and Generate Fuel link
Frontiers of Young Minds, 2022, DOI: 10.3389/frym.2022.727138

65. Chiu, N.-C.; Smith, K.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Metal-organic Frameworks for White Light Emission: From Synthesis to Device Fabrication link
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2022, 459, 214441

64. Smith, K. T.; Ramsperger, C.; Hunter, K. E.; Zuehlsdorff, T.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Colorimetric Detection of Acidic Pesticides in Water link
Chem. Comm., 2022, 58, 953-956
† Emerging Investigator Chem. Comm. Issue

63. Le, D.; Loughran, R.; Gładysiak, A.; Rampal, N.; Brooks, I.; Park, A.; Fairen-Jimenez, D.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Lanthanide-metal-organic Frameworks for the Fixation of CO2 Under Aqueous-rich and Mixed-gas Conditions link
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2022, 10, 1442-1450
Featured at OSU News


62.Rosado, A.; Borrás, A.; Fraile, J.; Navarro, J.; Suárez-García, F.; Stylianou, K. C.; López-Periago, A.; Planas, J.; Domingo, C.; Yazdi, A.
Static and dynamic adsorption properties of metal-organic frameworks/graphene oxide aerogel monoliths generated using supercritical CO2 link
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2021 4 (11), 12712-12725

61.Kampouri, S.; Ebrahim, F. M.; Fumanal, M.; Nord, M.; Schouwink, P. A.; Elzein, R.; Addou, R.; Herman, G. R.; Smit, B.; Ireland, C. P.;* Stylianou, K. C.*
Enhanced Visible-light Driven Hydrogen Production through MOF/MOF Heterojunctions link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 12, 14239–14247

60. Mohammadnezhad, F.;^ Kampouri, S.;^ Wolff, S. K.;^ Xu, Y.; Feyzi, M.; Lee, J.-H.; Ji, X.; Stylianou, K.C.*
Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of Hybrid Functionalized MIL-125-NH2 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 4, 50445051. ^ equal contribution

59. Chidambaram, A.; Le, D. H.; Navarro, J. A. R.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Robust Metal-Organic Frameworks for Dry and Wet Biogas Separation link
Appl. Mater. Today, 2021, 22, 100933


58. Falletta, S.; Gono, P.; Guo, Z.; Kampouri, S.; Stylianou, K. C.; Pasquarello, A.
Unraveling the Synergy between Metal-Organic Frameworks and Co-Catalysts in Photocatalytic Water Splitting link
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8 (39), 20493-20502

57. Gopakumar, A.; Lombardo, L.; Fei, Z.; Shyshkanov, S.; Vasilyev, D.; Chidambaram, A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Züttel, A.; Dyson, P. J.
A polymeric ionic liquid catalyst for the N-formylation and N-methylation of amines using CO2/PhSiH3 link
Journal of CO2 Utilization 2020, 41, 101240.

56. Nguyen, T. N.;* Harreschou, I. M.; Lee, H.-J.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Stephen, D.*
A recyclable metal-organic framework for ammonia vapour adsorption link
Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 9600-9603.
† front cover

55. Sudan, S.; Gładysiak, A.; Valizadeh, B.; Lee, J.-H.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Sustainable Capture of Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds by a Pyrene-Based Metal–Organic Framework under Humid Conditions link
Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59 (13), 9029-9036.

54. Gan, L.; Chidambaram, A.; Fonquernie, P. G.; Light, M. E.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, D.; Huang, H.; Solano, E.; Fraile, J.; Viñas, C.; Teixidor, F.; Navarro, J. A. R.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Planas, J. G.*
A Highly Water-Stable meta-Carborane-Based Copper Metal–Organic Framework for Efficient High-Temperature Butanol Separation link
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (18), 8299-8311.
Featured at OSU news

53. Cui, X.; Shyshkanov, S.; Nguyen, T. N.; Chidambaram, A.; Fei, Z.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Dyson, P. J.*
CO2 methanation via amino-alcohol relay molecules employing a ruthenium nanoparticle/metal-organic framework catalyst link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020

52. Nguyen, T. N.; Eliseeva, S. V.; Gładysiak, A.; Petoud, S.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Design of lanthanide-based metal–organic frameworks with enhanced near-infrared emission link
J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8 (20), 10188-10192.

51. Anderson, S. L.; Tiana, D.; Ireland, C. P.; Capano, G.; Fumanal, M.; Gładysiak, A.; Kampouri, S.; Rahmanudin, A.; Guijarro, N.; Sivula, K.; Stylianou, K. C.; Smit, B.
Taking lanthanides out of isolation: tuning the optical properties of metal–organic frameworks link
Chem. Sci. 2020, 11 (16), 4164-4170.

50. Valizadeh, B.; Nguyen, T. N.; Kampouri, S.; Sun, D. T.; Mensi, M. D.; Stylianou, K.; Smit, B.; Queen, W. L.
A novel integrated Cr(vi) adsorption–photoreduction system using MOF@polymer composite beads link
J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8 (19), 9629-9637.

49. Kinik, F. P.; Nguyen, T. N.; Mensi, M.; Ireland, C. P.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Smit, B.*
Sustainable Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes to Anilines with Highly Active in-situ Generated Copper Nanoparticles link
ChemCatChem 2020, 12 (10), 2833-2839.

48. Capano, G.; Ambrosio, F.; Kampouri, S.; Stylianou, K. C.; Pasquarello, A.; Smit, B.,
On the Electronic and Optical Properties of Metal–Organic Frameworks: Case Study of MIL-125 and MIL-125-NH2link
J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (7), 4065-4072.


47. Boyd, P. G.; Chidambaram, A.; Garcia-Doez, E.; Ireland, C. P.; Daff, T. D.; Bounds, R.; Gładysiak, A.; Schouwink, P.; Moosavi, M. S.; Maroto-Valer, M.; Reimer, J. A.; Navarro, J. A.; Woo, T. K.;* Garcia, S.;* Stylianou, K. C.;* Smit, B.*
Data Driven Design of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Wet Flue Gas CO2 Capture link
Nature 2019, 576, 253–256.
Featured at OSU news

46. Shyshkanov. S; Nguyen, T. N.; Chidambaram, A.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Dyson, P. J.*
Frustrated Lewis Pair-mediated Fixation of CO2 within a Metal-organic Framework link
Chem. Comm. 2019, 55, 10964-10967.

45. Gładysiak, A.; Moosavi, M. S.; Sarkisov, L.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Guest-dependent negative thermal expansion in a lanthanide metal organic framework link
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 5292-5298.

44. Gładysiak, A.; Nguyen, N. T.; Bounds, R.; Zacharia, A.; Itskos, G.; Reimer, J. A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Tempareture-Dependent Interchromophoric Interactions in a Pyrene-Based Metal-Organic Framework link
Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 6140-6148.

43. Kinik, P. F.; Nguyen, T. N.; Oveisi, E.; Valizadeh, B.; Ebrahim, F. M.; Gladysiak, A.; Mensi, M.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Discovery of a Self-healing Catalyst for the Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane link
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 23830-23837.
2019 Emerging Investigator Issue, J. Mater. Chem.

42. Kampouri, S.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Dual Functional Photocatalysis for Simultaneous Hydrogen Production and Oxidation of Organic Substances link
ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 4247-4270

41. Anderson, S. L.; Boyd, P. G.; Gładysiak, A.; Palgrave, R.; Kubicki, D.; Emsley, L.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Nucleobase Pairing and Photodimerization in a Biologically Derived Metal-Organic Framework Nanoreactor link
Nat. Commun., 2019, 10 (1), 1612

40. Shyshkanov. S; Nguyen, T. N.; Ebrahim, M. F.; Stylianou, K. C.;* Dyson, P. J.*
In situ formation of Frustrated Lewis Pairs in a Water Tolerant Metal–organic Framework for the Transformation of CO2 link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58 (16) 5371-5375.

39. Ebrahim, F. M.; Nguyen, T. N.; Shyshkanov, S.; Gładysiak, A.; Favre, P.; Zacharia, A.; Itskos, G.; Dyson, P. J.; Stylianou, K. C.*
A Selective, Fast-response and Regenerable Metal–organic Framework for Sampling Excess Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water link
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141 (7), 3052-3058.

38. Moosavi, S. M.; Chidambaram, A.; Talirz, L.; Haranczyk, M.; Stylianou, K. C.; Smit, B.
Capturing Chemical Intuition in Metal-Organic Framework Synthesis link
Nat. Commun., 2019, 10 (1), 359.
Highlighted by Nature News

37. Gładysiak, A.; Nguyen, T. N.; Spodaryk, M.; Lee, J.-H.; Neaton, J. B.; Züttel, A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Incarceration of iodine in a pyrene based metal–organic framework link
Chem. Eur. J., 2019, 25 (2), 501-506.


36. Kampouri, S.; Ireland, C. P.; Valizadeh, B.; Oveisi, E.; Schouwink. P. A.; Mensi, M.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Mixed-phase MOF-derived Titanium Dioxide for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution: The Impact of the Templated Morphology link
ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2018, 1 (11), pp 6541–6548.

35. Kampouri, S.; Nguyen, T. N.; Spodaryk, M.; Züttel, A.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Concurrent Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation and Degradation of Dyes using MIL-125-NH2 under Visible Light Irradiation link
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1806368.
† back cover

34. Gładysiak, A.; Deeg, K.; Dovgaliuk, I.; Chidambaram, A.; Ortiz, K.; Boyd, P.; Moosavi, S. M.; Ongari, D.; Navarro, J.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
A Bi-porous Metal–organic Framework with Tunable CO2/CH4 Separation Performance Facilitated by Intrinsic Flexibility link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (42), pp 36144–3615.

33. Nguyen, T. N.;* Ebrahim, M. F.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Photoluminescent, Upconversion Luminescent and Nonlinear Optical Metal-organic Frameworks: From Fundamental Photophysics to Potential Applications link
Coord. Chem. Rev., 2018, 377, 259-306.

32. Nguyen, T. N.; Kampouri, S.; Valizadeh, B.; Luo, W.; Ongari, D.; Planes, M. O.; Züttel, A.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from a Visible-light Responsive Metal-organic Framework System: Stability versus Activity of Molybdenum Sulfide Cocatalysts link
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (36), pp 30035–30039.

31. Valizadeh, B.; Nguyen, T. N.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Porous Metal-organic Framework@polymer Beads for Iodine Capture Using a Gas-Sparged Column link
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1801596 back cover and video abstract

30. Nguyen, T. N.; Capano, G.; Gładysiak, A.; Svetlana Ebrahim, F. E.; Eliseeva, S.; Chidambaram, A.; Valizadeh, B.; Petoud, S.; Smit, B. Stylianou, K. C.*
High Quantum Yield Near-infrared Luminescent Metal-organic Frameworks with Tunable Excitation Wavelengths link
Chem. Commun. 2018,54, 6816-6819
2018 Emerging Investigator Chem. Commun. Issue

29. Chidambram, A.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Electronic Metal-organic Framework Sensors link
Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 979-998
Invited contribution for Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers themed collection “Emergent Inorganic Materials for Energy, Catalysis and Bio-applications”

28. Gladysiak, A.; Nguyen, T. N.; Anderson, S. L.; Boyd, P. G.; Palgrave, R. G.; Bacsa, J.; Rosseinsky, M. J.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Shedding Light on the Protonation States and Location of Protonated N-Atoms of Adenine in Metal-Organic Frameworks link
Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57 (4), 1888–1900

27. Kampouri, S.; Nguyen, T. N; Ireland, C. P.; Valizadeh, B.; Ebrahim, F. M.; Capano, G.; Ongari, D.; Mace, A.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation and Quantum Efficiency from a Visible-Light Responsive Metal-Organic Framework System: The impact of Nickel Phosphide Nanoparticles link
J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 2476-2481

26. Valizadeh, B.; Nguyen, T. N.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Shape Engineering of Metal-organic Frameworks link
Polyhedron, 2018, 145, 1–15.
Invitation from Editor-in-Chief: Prof. George Christou


25. Gładysiak, A.; Nguyen, T. N; Navarro, J. A. R.;
Rosseinsky, M. J.;
Stylianou, K. C.*
A Recyclable Metal-Organic Framework as a Dual Detector and Adsorbent for Ammonia link
Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 1, 3602-3606.

24. Anderson, S. L.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Biologically derived Metal-Organic Frameworks link
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2017, 349, 102–128

23. Anderson, S. L.; Gładysiak, A.; Boyd, P. G.; Ireland, C. P.; Miéville, P.; Tiana, D.; Vlaisavljevich, B.; Schouwink, P.; van Beek, W.; Gagnon, K.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.*
Formation pathways of metal-organic frameworks proceeding through partial dissolution of the metastable phase link
CrystEngComm 2017, 19, 3407-3413.
† back cover

22. Witman, M.; Ling, S.; Gładysiak, A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Smit, B.; Slater, B.; Haranczyk, M
Rational Design of a Low-Cost, High-Performance Metal-Organic Framework for Hydrogen Storage and Carbon Capture link
J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121(2), 1171-1181.


21. Witman, M.; Ling, S.; Anderson, S.; Tong, L.; Stylianou, K. C.; Slater, B.; Smit, B.; Haranczyk, M.
In silico design and screening of hypothetical MOF-74 analogs and their experimental synthesis link
Chem. Sci.2016, 7, 6263-6272.


20. Stylianou, K. C.;* Queen, W. L.*
Recent Advances in Carbon Capture with Metal-Organic Frameworks link
Chimia 2015, 69, 274.

Marie Curie Fellow at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology with Prof. Daniel Maspoch

19. Tsang, M.-Y.; Rodríguez-Hermida, S.; Stylianou, K. C.; Tan, F.; Negi, D.; Teixidor, F.; Viñas, C.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, D.; Verdugo-Escamilla, C.; Guerrero, M.; Sort, J.; Juanhuix, J.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.; Giner Planas, J.
Carborane bis-pyridylalcohols as linkers for Coordination Polymers: Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Guest-Framework dependent Mechanical Properties link
Cryst. Growth Des.2017, 17(2), pp 846–857

18. Rodríguez-Hermida, S.; Tsang M.-Y.; Vignatti, C.; Stylianou, K. C.; Guillerm, V.; Pérez-Carvajal, J.; Teixidor, F.; Viñas, C.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, D.; Verdugo-Escamilla, C.; Peral, I.; Juanhuix, J.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.; Giner Planas, J.
Switchable Surface Hydrophobicity-Hydrophilicity of a Metal-Organic Framework link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016, 55, 16049

17. Stylianou, K. C.; Gomez, L.; Imaz, I.; Verdugo-Escamilla, C.; Ribas, X.; Maspoch, D.
Engineering Homochiral MOFs by Spatially Separating 1D Chiral Metal-Peptide Ladders: Tuning the Pore Size for Enantioselective Adsorption link
Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 9964
† front piece cover

16.Ruigomez, A. D.; Rodriguez-San-Miguel, D.; Stylianou, K. C.; Cavallini, M.; Gentili, D.; Liscio, F.; Milita, S.; Roscioni, O. M.; Ruiz-Gonzalez, M. L.; Carbonell, C.; Maspoch, D.; Mas-Balleste, R.; Segura, J. L.; Zamora, F.
Direct On-Surface Patterning of a Crystalline Laminar Covalent Organic Framework Synthesized at Room Temperature link
Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 10666

15. Carné-Sánchez, A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Carbonell, C.; Naderi, M.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.
Protecting Metal-Organic Framework Crystals from Hydrolytic Degradation by Spray-Dry Encapsulating Them into Polystyrene Microspheres link
Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 869

14. Burneo, I.; Stylianou, K. C.; Rodriguez-Hermida, S.; Juanhuix, J.; Fontrodona, X.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D
Two New Adenine-Based Co(II) Coordination Polymers: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Coordination Modes, and Reversible Hydrochromic Behavior link
Cryst. Growth Des.2015, 15, 3182

13. Masoomi, M. Y.§; Stylianou, K. C.§; Morsali, A.; Retailleau, P.; Maspoch, D
Selective CO2Capture in Metal-Organic Frameworks with Azine-Decorated Pores Generated though Mechanosynthesis link
Cryst. Growth Des.2014, 14, 2092
§ equal contribution

12. Carné-Sánchez, A.; Imaz, I.; Stylianou, K. C.; Maspoch, D.
MOFs: from Molecules/Metal ions to Crystals to Superstructures link
Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 5192

11. Burneo, I.; Stylianou, K. C.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.
The Influence of the Enantiomeric Ratio of an Organic Ligand on the Structure and Chirality of Metal-Organic Frameworks link
Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 13829

10. Carbonell, C.; Stylianou, K. C.; Hernando, J.; Evangelio, E.; Barnett, S. A.; Nettikadan, S.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.
Femtolitre Chemistry Assisted by Microfluidic Pen Lithography link
Nat. Commun. 2013, 4

Graduate (Ph.D.) student at the University of Liverpool with Prof. Matthew J. Rosseinsky

9. Warren, J. E.; Perkins, C. G.; Jelfs, K. E.; Boldrin, P.; Chater, P. A.; Miller, G. J.; Manning, T. D.; Briggs, M. E.; Stylianou, K. C.; Claridge, J. B.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
Shape Selectivity by Guest‐Driven Restructuring of a Porous Material link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 4592.

8. Stylianou, K. C.; Bacsa, J.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
A 3D porous Metal-Organic Framework Based on Infinite 1D Ni(II)-chains with Rutile Topology Displaying Open Metal Sites link
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2014, 640, 2123

7. Stylianou, K. C.; Rabone, J.; Chong, S. Y.; Heck, R.; Armstrong, J.; Wiper, P. V.; Jelfs, K. E.; Zlatogorsky, S.; Bacsa, J.; McLennan, A. G.; Ireland, C. P.; Khimyak, Y. Z.; Thomas, K. M.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
Dimensionality Transformation through Paddlewheel Reconfiguration in a Flexible and Porous Zn-based MOF link
J. Am. Chem Soc. 2012, 134, 20466

6. Perkins, C. G.; Warren, J. E.; Fateeva, A.; Stylianou, K. C.; McLennan, A.; Jelfs, K.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J
A Porous Layered Metal-Organic Framework From π–π Stacking of Layers Based on a CoCluster link
Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2012, 157, 24

5. Martí-Gastaldo, C.; Warren, J. E.; Stylianou, K. C.; Flack, N. L. O.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
Enhanced Stability in Rigid Peptide-Based Porous Materials link
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 11044

4. Stylianou, K. C.; Warren, J. E.; Chong, S. Y.; Rabone, J.; Bacsa, J.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
COSelectivity of a 1D Microporous Adenine-Based Metal-Organic Framework Synthesised in Water link
Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 3389

3. Swamy, S. I.; Bacsa, J.; Jones, J. T. A.; Stylianou, K. C.; Steiner, A.; Ritchie, L. K.; Hasell, T.; Gould, J. A.; Laybourn, A.; Khimyak, Y. Z.; Adams, D. J.; Rosseinsky, M. J.; Cooper, A. I.
A Metal-Organic Framework with a Covalently Prefabricated Porous Organic Linker link
J. Am. Chem Soc.2010, 132, 12773

2. Stylianou, K. C.; Warren, J. E.; Chong, S. Y.; Rabone, J.; Bacsa, J.; Bradshaw, D.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
A Guest-Responsive Fluorescent 3D Microporous Metal-Organic Framework Derived from a Long Lifetime Pyrene Core link
J. Am. Chem Soc. 2010, 132, 4119

1. Rabone, J.; Yue, Y.-F.; Chong, S. Y.; Stylianou, K. C.; Bacsa, J.; Bradshaw, D.; Darling, G. R.; Berry, N. G.; Khimyak, Y. Z.; Ganin, A. Y.; Wiper, P.; Claridge, J. B.; Rosseinsky, M. J.
An Adaptable Peptide-Based Porous Material link
Science 2010, 329, 1053


Book Chapters

2. Kinik, P. F.; Kampouri, S.; Ebrahim, F. M.; Valizadeh, B.; Stylianou, K. C.
Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks
Coordination Chemistry III Edition, (invited contribution from Prof. Catherine Housecroft) May 2020.

1. Stylianou, K. C.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.
Nanoscale Metal-Organic Frameworks
John Wiley & Sons, the book entitled: Metal-Organic Framework Materials 2014.


3. Anderson, S. L.; Ireland, C. P.; Smit, B.; Stylianou, K. C.
Degradation of plastic materials into terephthalic acid (tpa), ethylene glycol and/or other monomers that form the plastic materials
2020, WO2020173961 (A1).

2. Stylianou, K. C.Smit, B.; Boyd, P. G.; Chidambaram, A.; Woo, T. K.
Selective adsorption of carbon dioxide by a metal-organic framework
WO2019202105 (A1)

1. Stylianou, K. C.Smit, B.; Kampouri, K.; Ireland, C. P.; Nguyen, T. N.
Photocatalytic system comprising a titanium-based mof
2019, WO2019038607 (A1), EP3424594 (A1)